Courses Details
PUBHLTH513: Public Health Systems, Policy and Management
- Graduate level
- Both Residential and Online MPH
- This is a first year course for Online students
- Winter term(s) for residential students; Winter term(s) for online MPH students;
- 3 credit hour(s) for residential students; 3 credit hour(s) for online MPH students;
- Instructor(s): Michael Rubyan, Sheela Kennedy, (Residential); Michael Rubyan (Online MPH);
- Prerequisites: SPH MPH Students Only
- Description: This course will introduce students to the public health system, public health policy development, and fundamental management concepts for managing public health organizations. Topics covered include organization, financing and history of public health, public health policy-making, advocacy, and basic principles of finance and human resource management in public health organizations.
- Learning Objectives: (1) Students should be able to describe how public health and health care are organized and financed in the United States. (2) Students should be able to provide a brief history of public health. (3) Students should be able to explain key aspects of health care reform. (4) Students should be able to describe the core functions of public health and the 10 Essential Services. (5) Students should be able to describe the importance of financial and human resource management in public health and health care organizations (6) Students should be able to apply negotiation and mediation skills to address interpersonal and interorganizational challenges. (7) Students should be able to discuss the format and use of different types of budgets, prepare simple operating budgets and conduct variance analysis. (8) Students should be able to discuss the public health policy-making process. (9) Students should be able to describe the role of ethics in policy making. (10) Students should be able to advocate for political, social or economic policies and programs that will improve health in diverse populations. (11) Students should be able to propose strategies to identify stakeholders and build coalitions and partnerships for influencing public health outcomes. (12) Students should be able to write and deliver effective testimony.
- This course is required for the school-wide core curriculum