Courses Taught by Ingrid Bergin
EHS616: Introduction to Toxicological Pathology
- Graduate level
- Residential
- Winter term(s) for residential students;
- 2 credit hour(s) for residential students;
- Instructor(s): Ingrid Bergin (Residential);
- Offered Every other year (next offering: Winter 2025)
- Last offered Fall 2022
- Prerequisites: Physiology and EHS 511 or equivalent.
- Description: This course will provide and introduction to the histologic damage produced by chemical toxicants. A combination of lectures, student-led discussions and slide-reading sessions will be used to integrate concepts of toxicological mechanism, physiology and pathologic outcome. Emphasis will be place on molecular methods and mechanisms used for the diagnosis and investigative toxicological pathology. The pathology associated with chemicals that damage the major organ systems of humans and mammals will be discussed. During the two credit hours of didactic class presentations student will lead discussions on the pathologic effects of chemicals on cells, tissues and organs and the pathophysiologic outcome. This course is intended for advanced graduate students in the life sciences.
- Syllabus for EHS616

Department | Program | Degree | Competency | Specific course(s) that allow assessment | EHS | Toxicology | MS | Explain how molecular mechanisms, biological processes, and chemical reactivity influence possible toxicant targets at the molecular, cellular, organ, and physiological level | EHS616 |
EHS717: Toxicological Pathology Laboratory
- Graduate level
- Residential
- Winter term(s) for residential students;
- 1 credit hour(s) for residential students;
- Instructor(s): Ingrid Bergin (Residential);
- Offered Every other year (next offering: Winter 2025)
- Last offered Fall 2022
- Prerequisites: EHS 616 or Perm. Instr.
- Description: This laboratory course will provide an introduction to the histopathology associated with chemical exposures. Students will perform routine histological maneuvers on tissues from rats treated with "unknown" chemicals. Following microscopic inspection of tissues, students will describe the pathological process produced in each tissue and will identify the class of (or specific) chemical to which the organism was exposed.
- Syllabus for EHS717