Courses Taught by Jan Lach

EHS651: Occupational Health, Safety And Environmental Program Management

  • Graduate level
  • Residential
  • Winter term(s) for residential students;
  • 3 credit hour(s) for residential students;
  • Instructor(s): Jan Lach, Richard Neitzel, Simone Charles, (Residential);
  • Offered Every other year (next offering: Winter 2025)
  • Last offered Winter 2023
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Advisory Prerequisites: None
  • Description: This course introduces students to the breadth of functions and activities routinely performed by OHSE managers. Topics include: OHSE organization structure, management systems, program content, metrics, budgeting, risk management, incident investigation, emergency preparedness and response, regulatory compliance, legal systems, health and safety culture, and prevention through design processes.
  • Learning Objectives: Students will gain a fundamental understanding of: (1) How OHSE programs are typically organized, the roles and responsibilities of OHSE managers, and expectations of other OHSE stakeholders in the organization. (2) Challenges associated with managing personnel and processes, including dealing with ethical issues, setting goals and measuring performance, hiring and training professionals, and managing consultants. (3) Financial aspects of program management, such as risk management and insurance, budgeting, workers compensation, and legal liability for both corporate activities and products. (4) Incident investigation and management, as well as emergency planning and response management. (5) Regulatory rulemaking, inspections, and compliance management processes.
  • Syllabus for EHS651
Jan Lach
Richard Neitzel
Simone Charles
Concentration Competencies that EHS651 Allows Assessment On
Department Program Degree Competency Specific course(s) that allow assessment
EHS Industrial Hygiene MPH Describe the relevance of business and managerial practices to workplace health and safety EHS651