Courses Taught by Lindsay Kobayashi
EPID617: Social epidemiology II: Social and economic determinants of population health
- Graduate level
- Residential
- Winter term(s) for residential students;
- 3 credit hour(s) for residential students;
- Instructor(s): Lindsay Kobayashi (Residential);
- Prerequisites: EPID 514 or permission of instructor
- Description: The objective of this course is to examine, in depth, some of the key social determinants of health in populations. The course is organized around substantive topic areas (e.g. obesity, disability, mental health, youth and substance abuse, stress and social support, neighborhoods and environments), with a focus on understanding the role of social factors in shaping health. The course draws heavily on epidemiologic perspectives and methods as tools to improve our understanding of population health, and is designed to expose students to different methodological approaches and their strengths/limitations in defining population health, understanding its determinants, and assessing the mechanisms by which these determinants influence population health. The course is a combination of lectures and student discussions, with an emphasis on class participation.
- Syllabus for EPID617

EPID677: Epidemiology of Aging
- Graduate level
- Residential
- Fall term(s) for residential students;
- 2 credit hour(s) for residential students;
- Instructor(s): Lindsay Kobayashi (Residential);
- Offered Every Fall
- Prerequisites: None
- Description: This course will address the epidemiology of aging from a public health perspective covering epidemiologic studies of disease, functional status, and well-being in late-life. The course is taught in seminar format, with in-class discussion of selected readings. Course evaluations will be based on class participation and a term paper.
- Syllabus for EPID677