Courses Taught by Miatta Buxton

EPID643: Surveillance and Publicly Available Datasets

  • Graduate level
  • Both Residential and Online MPH
  • This is a first year course for Online students
  • Fall term(s) for residential students; Fall term(s) for online MPH students;
  • 1 credit hour(s) for residential students; 1 credit hour(s) for online MPH students;
  • Instructor(s): Miatta Buxton (Residential); Miatta Buxton (Online MPH);
  • Offered Every Fall
  • Prerequisites: EPID 600
  • Description: This course includes an introduction to publicly available datasets and their use in epidemiologic research. Students will be introduced to datasets and will do in-class exercises using these data. This course consists of lectures, in-class exercises, quizzes, and a final written assignment.
  • Residential Syllabus for EPID643
Miatta Buxton
Concentration Competencies that EPID643 Allows Assessment On
Department Program Degree Competency Specific course(s) that allow assessment
Population and Health Sciences MPH Compare population health indicators across subpopulations, time, and data sources PUBHLTH515, BIOSTAT592, EPID590, EPID592, EPID643, BIOSTAT595, BIOSTAT501
Population and Health Sciences MPH Estimate population health indicators from high quality data resources from diverse sources PUBHLTH515, EPID643, NUTR590, BIOSTAT592, BIOSTAT501