Accelerated Master of Science Degree in Biostatistics

Biostatistics student

The Biostatistics Accelerated Master’s Degree (AMD) program at Michigan Public Health is a Master of Science program for graduates who plan to go on to scientific research and leadership careers in the areas of biostatistics and data science. Graduates are qualified for positions in academia, research institutes, government and industry.


Students eligible for this type of program must be enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program at Spelman College or at the University of Michigan.

How it Works

The Accelerated Master's Degree program covers five years of study:

  • Complete three years of undergraduate education at your home institution
  • Apply to the Accelerated Master’s Degree program at the University of Michigan School of Public Health
  • Take biostatistics courses at the School of Public Health during your fourth year of study (senior year)
  • Graduate with an undergraduate degree from your home institution
  • Spend your fifth and final year on campus at the University of Michigan completing remaining requirements for the MS degree.

Application Process and Requirements

Application - Due December 1 (early deadline) and January 15 (official deadline)

Applications from the University of Michigan

Current University of Michigan students must complete a Rackham application and select the Environmental Health Sciences AMDP program.

Apply Here

Applications from spelman college

Applicants from Spelman College students must complete a School of Public Health NCFD application form. To begin the application process, please contact [email protected].

Program Prerequisites

  • Advanced calculus or real analysis
  • Computing: e.g. R, Python, C++
  • 3 semesters of calculus
  • 1 semester of linear algebra
  • 1 semester of intro statistics

Decision Notification

Applicants will be notified no later than May 1 of their junior year regarding admission.

  • Biostatistics Admissions Committee will review the application
  • Accepted applicants will be required to meet with one of the MS advisors as early as possible, but no later than the start of the fall semester to review the tentative course of study plan (included with the application)

Advising, Mentoring, and Student Community

All AMDP students will be advised by the Biostatistics Master’s Advisors, and they will be fully incorporated into the student community and have equal access to the facilities and resources of the department. The Advisors will develop materials and activities specifically for AMDP students and meet with them individually either before or at the beginning of the fall semester of every school year to discuss the study plan.  AMDP students will take at least two School of Public Health/Biostatistics core courses in their senior year, together with all first-year regular Master’s students. These common courses will facilitate interaction between AMDP and other students in the same cohort and help build a strong and inclusive student community.


For answers to questions about the program, please contact: [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions