Community Family Life Center: The Community Family Life Center neighborhood-based, non-profit organization that
serves as a hub for the Sugarbrook Neighborhood and the greater Ypsilanti area. Our
students worked to develop a volunteer toolkit and curriculum for the afterschool
Children's Literacy Network: The Children's Literacy Network (CLN) is volunteer-based nonprofit agency that was
founded in 1991 by a group of educators dedicated to promoting the benefits of literacy.
PHAST began partnering with CLN in November 2018 to evaluate the Staying in Closer
Touch (SiCT) program.
Detroit Food Policy Council: The Detroit Food Policy Council (DFPC) is committed to nurturing the development
and maintenance of a sustainable, localized food system and a food-secure City of
Detroit in which all of its residents are hunger-free, healthy, and benefit economically
from the food system that impacts their lives. PHAST began partnering with DFPC during
Fall term 2018-2019 to develop tools that help stakeholders in each Detroit City Council
District better understand their local food environments.
Healthy Dearborn Coalition: The Healthy Dearborn Coalition (HDC) is a partnership between Beaumont Health, City
of Dearborn, and Dearborn Public Schools to use a community approach to create a culture
of health in Dearborn through active living and healthy eating strategies. Our students
worked with HDC to review existing equity tools and create the collective vision for
the tool.
Northfield's Human Services: Northfield's Human Services (NHS) provides social services, including, but not limited
to, access to health care, food, and transportation, or assistance with access to
these services, in an empowering and respectful way to the residents of Northfield
Township and the greater Whitmore Lake area who face challenges due to low income,
older age, disabilities, or other special needs and disadvantages. Our students worked
with NHS to create a communication plan to provide recommendations on improving the
visibility of their services to community members of Northfield Township and the greater
Whitmore Lake area.