
A teen driving simulator

A biostatistics breakthrough: Using data to improve teen driving

In Michael Elliott’s line of work, numbers save lives. Elliott, professor of Biostatistics at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, is an expert in the art and science of collecting, interpreting and analyzing data. One of his most recent projects could help save lives of a particularly accident-prone population: young drivers.

Public Health IDEAS

Public Health IDEAS adds two new interdisciplinary research initiatives

Combating Infectious Diseases and Building Health Equity

Michigan Public Health recently launched two new initiatives under its Public Health IDEAS umbrella that will focus on preventing the spread of infectious diseases and building health equity: Public Health IDEAS Combating Infectious Diseases and Public Health IDEAS for Building Health Equity.

Dean F. DuBois Bowman, University of Michigan School of Public Health

From the Dean: A New Era of Public Health

Dean F. DuBois Bowman

Current trends toward a future where disease outbreaks happen more often due to globalization, human migration, and climate damage can be slowed and even reversed when we ensure every public health intervention accounts for the interconnected health of humans, animals, and the environment.

Dean F. DuBois Bowman, University of Michigan School of Public Health

From the Dean: Let's Talk Science

Dean F. DuBois Bowman

We’ve been watching science change daily during the pandemic. For many, shifts in scientific understandings are a normal part of the process. For others, science’s fluidity provides an access point for criticism. How do we communicate that change is part of the scientific process and lead wherever change is needed?