Community Engagement in Grenada
Soha Khedkar
Soha Khedhar, 3rd year, MBA, MPH, Health Behavior Health Education candidate shares her experience in Grenada as she worked with the Grenada Red Cross Society.
The posts featured on this Michigan Public Health Frontlines blog are from students, staff, and faculty while they are out in the field, practicing public health on the frontlines. Read on for stories from global health field experiences and the Public Health Action Support Team (PHAST).
Soha Khedhar, 3rd year, MBA, MPH, Health Behavior Health Education candidate shares her experience in Grenada as she worked with the Grenada Red Cross Society.
Meng Sun, 2nd year, Health Management Health Policy candidate shares her experience in Grenada as she worked with the Ministry of Social Development.
Wadad Itani, 2nd Year MPH, Health Behavior Health Education Candidate, shares what she learned from her experience in Grenada.
Tam Ngo, 2nd Year, Health Services Administration Candidate, reflects on her meaningful experiences in Grenada.
Ricco Iglesias, a 3rd Year, dual degree Master in Business Administration and Health Services Administration Candidate, reflects on his community engagement experience in Grenada.
Munira Mohamed, 2nd Year MPH Epidemiology Candidate, shares her experiences working with the Disabilities Affairs Unit in Grenada and what she learned about global public health research.