Setting Out for San Antonio: Preparing for a Deep Dive into Community Health
Zoe Gurney
Zoe Gurney 1st Year MPH Global Health Epidemiology Student, shares her thoughts before deploying to Texas.
Zoe Gurney 1st Year MPH Global Health Epidemiology Student, shares her thoughts before deploying to Texas.
Jamie Fry, 2nd Year, MPH, Epidemiology candidate, shares her thoughts after deploying to Grenada and working with the Ministry of Social Development.
Marcus V Spinelli da Silva, 2nd Year MPH, Global Health Epidemiology Candidate, shares his excitement about deploying to Grenada while also considering how his differences may impact his work.
Darius Moore, MPH, 2nd Year Health Behavior Health Education Candidate, shares his anticipation of the Grenada trip. There are mixed emotions, but his group is ready to take on this amazing opportunity.
Allison Baumgartner, 1st Year, MPH, Global Epidemiology Candidate, shares the importance of community engagement and diverse training experiences.
Helen Xu, 2nd Year MHSA in HMP/MPH in HBHE Candidate, shares her thoughts and experiences as she explores Grenada and works with the Grenada Red Cross Society.