What's looming behind you?
Caleb Ward, EPID Student
March 5, 2019
South Texas. Spring break. 2019.
"Are you Going to help build the wall?"
This is the facetious question I get when I mention my spring break plans to just about anyone.
I came to graduate school seeking opportunities in disaster & conflict relief, and emergency management. Surprisingly enough, with all my attempts at networking and cold emailing, I got nowhere. I joined this class, Public Health in Action, not knowing what the projects were going to be, but I wanted to step outside the classroom and get some practical experience.
My partner and I will be working with the Cameron County health department on developing a tabletop exercise to assess emergency preparedness for the health of the border population. It will be our job to come up with a scenario for this emergency, and the community's job to respond to it. I'll be honest; I'm excited. Its Contagion and Pandemic combined in a beautiful disaster we get to create, but hopefully will never come into fruition.
But what's looming behind us as we prepare for this project?
What is sitting in the background as we work?
An idea, one side's suggestion, a point of contention.
A barrier and a symbol. The Border Wall.
Responding to a disease outbreak doesn't just involve the United States, Mexico is right there too. A pathogen doesn't care about a wall. It doesn't need a rope and ladder. To have an effective response, both sides must work together.
We all have something behind us. Something humming in the background that influences decisions, culture and way of life—something inspiring the way we do things, and our perception of the world. We can bring it with us, or we can find a difference wherever we go. It changed when I moved from Kenya to Canada and changed again when I came to Michigan. Every place I go shapes me and adds something new to the background. I am expecting the border to find its place there too.
So... what's looming behind you?