Treading Into the Unknown


Izza Ahmed-Ghani

Undergraduate Senior

mississippi delta

M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I. The honest to God first thing that comes to mind when working on this project was the elementary experience of learning the 50 states and how to spell it. While Mississippi pays homage as the birthplace of the King of Rock and Roll, Mr. Elvis Presley himself,  my perceptions of this magnolia state were originally far and few between. Based on preliminary recollections of U.S. history, I suspected that there had to be detrimental historical repercussions from the civil war with regards to marginalized communities. However, I could have never predicted the unfortunate reality in residential health outcomes. 

Over 50% of Mississippi residents populate rural communities: a population of common public health concern.  As our class learned more about Mississippi, stakeholders in the food prescription program, and the three counties that students from our class would be working with, the image of concern became clear. Not only does it rank as the most food insecure place in the  U.S., but in 2019 Mississippi additionally ranked second worst in health outcomes across America in mortality, behavior, & physical health.  The consequences of the state's racially systemic issues leaves members of the Delta facing disproportionate barriers in access to healthy food and health care. While the health crises in Mississippi are meagerly projected, our class has the opportunity to partake in the call to action focusing on food insecurity.  

While the tasks ahead are unbeknownst to the lot of us, there are many skills to grow in which I’m so excited to grow. My group, specifically assigned to Coahoma county, has developed a community assessment in understanding the challenges of the community, as well as curated stakeholder question guides pertaining to farmers.  I’m curious to see how we will extract the qualitative data from the town halls and planning meetings. Most importantly, I’m excited to learn and unlearn from current notions in this field work experience.