Lone Star Health: Exploring Community Well-being Across San Antonio, Texas

Tayler Whitting
2nd Year, MPH, Epidemiology Student
As I prepare for my trip to San Antonio, I feel a mix of excitement, eagerness, and nervous anticipation. Having visited the city before, I look forward to immersing myself once again in its rich culture. This trip, however, holds a deeper purpose. Beyond returning to a city I admire, I am eager to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, particularly those in Bexar County. I feel deeply grateful for the opportunity to enter their space and engage in meaningful conversations as part of a community health assessment.
What excites me most is the chance to work closely with the community. I have never participated in a community health assessment before, and I am looking forward to engaging in focus groups, where I can listen to firsthand perspectives on health challenges and aspirations in Bexar County. These discussions will provide valuable insights into how we can contribute to making the community more equitable and responsive to the needs of its residents.
Additionally, I am eager to collaborate with the South Central Area Health Education Center (AHEC). Through our work, I hope our team can create materials that AHEC can use in the future to further its mission of promoting health equity in Bexar County. Knowing that our efforts could have a lasting impact on the community makes this experience even more meaningful.
While I have certain expectations for this experience, I recognize that challenges and learning opportunities lie ahead. Since this will be my first time facilitating a focus group and conducting a community health assessment, I anticipate that mistakes may occur. However, I see these moments as opportunities for growth. I hope that the work my peers and I contribute will be valuable to the community and that we can offer genuine support in addressing their health needs. Ultimately, I am eager to learn, listen, and take part in a project that prioritizes the voices and well-being of the people of Bexar County.