Transformative Tales From Grenada
Christopher Floyd
Christopher Floyd, a 2nd-year MPH, Global Health Epidemiology candidate, shares his thoughts after traveling to Grenada.
Christopher Floyd, a 2nd-year MPH, Global Health Epidemiology candidate, shares his thoughts after traveling to Grenada.
Carlton Mamo, 1st Year, MPH, Health Management and Health Policy Candidate, reflects on what he learned from his time in Grenada.
Allison Baumgartner, 1st Year, MPH, Global Epidemiology Candidate, reflects on her time in Grenada and shares the importance cross-cultural collaboration in public health.
Darius Moore, a 2nd-year MPH Health Behavior Health Education candidate, shares his thoughts after deploying to Grenada.
Jamie Fry, 2nd Year, MPH, Epidemiology candidate, shares her thoughts after deploying to Grenada and working with the Ministry of Social Development.
Soha Khedhar, 3rd year, MBA, MPH, Health Behavior Health Education candidate shares her experience in Grenada as she worked with the Grenada Red Cross Society.