Courses Taught by Sarah Ball

NUTR597: Precision Nutrition: Translating Science To Practice

  • Graduate level
  • Both Residential and Online MPH
  • This is a second year course for Online students
  • Fall term(s) for residential students; Winter term(s) for online MPH students;
  • 2 credit hour(s) for residential students; 2 credit hour(s) for online MPH students;
  • Instructor(s): Susan Aaronson, Sarah Ball, (Residential); Susan Aaronson, Sarah Ball, Susan Aaronson, Sarah Ball, (Online MPH);
  • Not offered 2024-2025
  • Prerequisites: graduate standing
  • Advisory Prerequisites: NUTR 594, NUTR 595, NUTR 596
  • Description: In this novel course, students will understand, translate and incorporate the emerging fields of nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics, culinary medicine and the microbiome into personalized nutrition practice grounded in public health principles.
  • Learning Objectives: 1 Demonstrate literacy comprehension regarding the emerging science of precision nutrition. 2 Understand the role public health principles play in a precision nutrition approach 3 Describe the role of the microbiome and genetics in chronic disease prevention and treatment 4 Summarize the large precision nutrition randomized controlled trials 5 Explain how food and nutrients impact gene expression and the microbiome 6 Demonstrate how to incorporate culinary genomics into practice 7 Evaluate how genetics and the microbiome are currently being used in practice. 8 Translate current public health nutrition guidelines and recommendations to the individual using genetic and microbiome data. 9 Implement culinary techniques (food and nutrients?) to optimize health. 10 Determine if the current evidence supports the use of precision nutrition in practice and how it can be effectively applied
Susan Aaronson
Sarah Ball
Concentration Competencies that NUTR597 Allows Assessment On
Department Program Degree Competency Specific course(s) that allow assessment
Population and Health Sciences MPH Recommend evidence-based interventions that engage broad and diverse community stakeholders for population health improvement PUBHLTH515, EPID591, NUTR597, PUBHLTH511

NUTR602: Professional Communication In The Nutritional Sciences

  • Graduate level
  • Residential
  • Fall term(s) for residential students;
  • 1 credit hour(s) for residential students;
  • Instructor(s): Sarah Ball (Residential);
  • Prerequisites: Only open to MPH students and MS NUTR with a dietetics subplan
  • Description: This course provides future nutrition professionals with the skills and knowledge to communicate effectively with the public, consumers, organizations, and other professionals by disseminating evidence?based food and nutrition information in a meaningful way. Overall, this course aims to integrate goals, experiences, strengths, and growth as a public health nutrition expert through effective communication.
  • Learning Objectives: Apply effective and ethical communication skills and techniques to achieve desired goals and outcomes. Select mode of communication appropriate to the messaging to meet the needs of the audience. Communicate at the appropriate level and understands emotions and emotional situations. Engage in self-reflective practice activities to develop and maintain ongoing competence and professional behaviors. Disseminate skills, knowledge, and data obtained from summer experience or research work. Apply feedback to meet and exceed personal standards of performance. Develop confidence in your expertise as a nutrition public health professional.
Sarah Ball