Courses Details

PUBHLTH515: Population Health

  • Graduate level
  • Online MPH only
  • This is a second year course for Online students
  • Winter term(s) for online MPH students;
  • 3 credit hour(s) for online MPH students;
  • Instructor(s): Sharon Kardia (Online MPH);
  • Prerequisites: Biostat501 or higher, PubHlth 512 or higher
  • Advisory Prerequisites: Pubhlth511
  • Description: This course is intended to serve as an introduction to population health from both the vantage point of both public health and healthcare. We will examine the key components of community health needs assessments, how they are used, and how to compare population health assessments across subpopulations and time. We will also explore the epidemiological sources and criteria by which to select high quality data sources to estimate population health indicators and to select evidence-based interventions to improve population health. Finally, we will design of multisector collaborations that support the phases of population health improvement. As a survey of the population health, the course provides an overview for students wishing no more than an introduction to the field, as well as good grounding for students who wish to pursue additional coursework in population health.
  • Learning Objectives: 1. Explain differences between population health assessments for public health and healthcare. 2. Understand the key components of community health needs assessments (CHNA). 3. Analyze how public health and healthcare will use a CHNA to improve population health. 4. Estimate key population health indicators for social determinants of health, chronic disease outcomes, and opioid abuse. 5. Categorize data sources by epidemiologic criteria. 6. Analyze differences between subpopulations and across time trends. 7. Design multisector collaborations that support population health improvement. 8. Outline a plan for population health improvement. 9. Recommend evidence-based interventions based on epidemiologic criteria and community suitability.
Sharon Kardia
Concentration Competencies that PUBHLTH515 Allows Assessment On
Department Program Degree Competency Specific course(s) that allow assessment
Population and Health Sciences MPH Analyze the focus and function of population health assessments between public health and health care systems across local, state, and national settings PUBHLTH515
Population and Health Sciences MPH Compare population health indicators across subpopulations, time, and data sources PUBHLTH515, BIOSTAT592, EPID590, EPID592, EPID643, BIOSTAT595, BIOSTAT501
Population and Health Sciences MPH Estimate population health indicators from high quality data resources from diverse sources PUBHLTH515, EPID643, NUTR590, BIOSTAT592, BIOSTAT501
Population and Health Sciences MPH Design multisector collaborations that will support all phases of population health improvement (assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation) PUBHLTH515, HBHEQ590, HBHEQ591, PUBHLTH511
Population and Health Sciences MPH Recommend evidence-based interventions that engage broad and diverse community stakeholders for population health improvement PUBHLTH515, EPID591, NUTR597, PUBHLTH511