Health Behavior and Health Equity

Susan Marsiglia Gray, left, and Tasha Akitobi

Better together

Alumnae pair up to help healthcare facilities stay afloat during the pandemic and beyond

Colleagues Susan Marsiglia Gray, MPH ’01, and Tasha Akitobi, MPH ’05, share so much common ground, they practically read each other’s minds. That comes in handy because their federal government workplace, the Provider Relief Bureau, is responsible for $200 billion in COVID relief funding. While their partnership is somewhat new—with only about 18 months of being on the job together—their paths to public health have created deep familiarity.

Oksana Fedorak in a field of sunflowers

Turning to public health in a crisis

Graduate student Oksana Fedorak works to prevent human trafficking in Ukraine

Traditionally, the sunflower is emblematic to Ukraine—but it signifies so much more to the Ukrainian people, and especially Oksana Fedorak. “Our national flower is the sunflower—it means a lot to us and me personally,” said Fedorak, a Master of Public Health student in Health Behavior and Health Education at the University of Michigan School of Public Health.

Sarah Feldman sitting on a couch

A daughter's promise

Doctoral candidate Sara Feldman is shaping field of dementia research

For University of Michigan School of Public Health doctoral student Sara Feldman, dementia isn’t just something she studies, it’s something she lives as a full-time caregiver. Today, she’s working to give future families living with dementia one of the greatest gifts of all: choice.

urban landscape

New interdisciplinary initiative to tackle major public health issues

Between infectious and noncommunicable diseases, climate change, violence, and countless other issues, city dwellers face unprecedented social, financial, environmental, and physical challenges that impact health and safety. And in urban and rural areas alike, firearm violence and injury continue to plague communities, becoming one of the most persistent and pressing public health crises in the US.

Gary Harper, Molly Mulcahy, Cleo Caldwell and Brandon, University of Michigan School of Public Health

Public Health Leadership in Teaching and Diversity

Students, faculty, and staff across the School of Public Health are committed to providing excellent teaching and other student experiences and to ensuring Michigan Public Health is an inclusive community for all.