Discovering San Antonio: An Evaluation Expedition

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Janhvi Vyas

1st Year MPH Student

My name is Janhvi Vyas, and I am a first-year Master’s student in the Department of Public Health at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor. 

Upon reflecting on my thoughts prior to leaving for San Antonio, Texas, I am experiencing a whirlwind of emotions: anticipation, excitement, and curiosity. This will be my first time visiting Texas and I am excited to be evaluating the communities’ perceptions on such an essential topic of Long Covid. My program has equipped me with the necessary skills to go out in the field and tackle public health challenges, and I look forward to putting the skills into practice. This experience will shape my career. 

I acknowledge that this journey will have challenges along the way; however, I am ready to be flexible and face any challenges head-on. Additionally, I am particularly excited about the opportunity to learn via this incredible experience. This journey will enhance my skills and knowledge and help me discover my passion as well as shape my career in public health. Overall, I am grateful for this opportunity to undertake this evaluation project and I am ready to embrace the journey. 
