Thank you, Grenada

Tam Ngo
2nd Year, MHSA, Health Administration Candidate
As I reflect on my time in Grenada, I have deep gratitude and appreciation for Grenada, its people, the University of Michigan’s Public Health Action Support Team (PHAST), and the donors and faculty that made this experience possible. This experience was a highlight of my graduate school experience.
In my initial blog post, I mentioned that I feel very honored to be working on such a meaningful project - providing recommendations to the Ministry of Social Development and Gender Affairs on how to establish its first-ever disability unit. After 8+ hours of focus group and key stakeholder interviews with people living with disabilities, caregivers of both adults and children living with disabilities, and NGOs involved in doing important work to support people with disabilities, I feel an even higher regard for the work we’ve been entrusted with.
As I work with my group (Anisah, Mildred, Carlton, Munira) to finalize our report, I recognize that this will provide a foundation for the Ministry to use in its path forward to create a formal government entity. I look forward to the beginning of this formal desk that will help support people living with disabilities and their communities. This is something that we’ve heard throughout our interviews that is not only needed but has been long awaited.
Thank you to the Ministry for allowing PHAST to partake in this important work, all of those involved with the interview process, especially our interviewees, our drivers, and Daniela (our fearless Ministry guide). Thank you also to my fellow graduate students for the camaraderie throughout the trip and to Sadé Richardson, Laura Power, and Rohan Jeremiah for their guidance and for shaping PHAST to be what it is today.