Chocolate, Spice & Everything Nice

Marcus V Spinelli da Silva
2nd Year, MPH, Global Health Epidemiology Candidate
Hey everyone, it has been a while since I have written to you all. It is nice to see each other again e-virtually, it is I, Marcus (he/him), a second-year Global Health Epidemiology. Well, let’s start by saying that I LOVED MY EXPERIENCE. This experience was yet another practical reinforcement (yeah I love field work) that I enjoy working with the people and bridging the institutional forces and the people. I enjoy collecting data, talking to locals, learning from them through hearing their stories, exploring what they want me to, and simply immersing myself in their culture. The people of Grenada are above and beyond and always excited to have people help them and to hear their stories.
You know, doing field work globally is not for everyone, and throughout this trip I found out that this is something, as of right now, I would enjoy doing it. Being out there and actively learning while also using the skills I learned in class and bringing them to the table are things that I enjoy, but the most appealing thing to me is the unknown of fieldwork; you never know what awaits you. Is there no Wi-Fi access? Is it the extreme heat? Are we splitting groups in the middle of our conversations? We do not know until it happens, and this uncertainty is something that I find very appealing.
Grenada has helped me shape even more my passion for fieldwork and reinforced the idea of things I can do with the privilege of having my education, that teamwork is extremely challenging when it comes to different approaches for a common cause, and that it is completely ok to disagree with others.
Lastly, as I said, I LOVED THIS EXPERIENCE! From the professional point of view, exploring the island, where I got to see beautiful sunsets, enjoy one of the bluest waters I have ever seen, eat lots of local good food and chocolate, and, of course, fostered friendships and enjoy the sun as much as possible given that in the Tundra (a.k.a MI) the weather is cold still.
Well, that is all I got for y'all, I truly loved this experience and am deeply thankful for the experience SPH, PHAST, and my donors were able to provide me. See y’all sometime in the future!