Promoting Blood Donation in Grenada

Wadad Itani
2nd Year MPH Health Behavior Health Education Candidate
As a student pursuing a Master of Public Health at the University of Michigan, it is always exciting that we have so many opportunities to practice Public Health in Action. However, this excitement comes with a level of responsibility, knowing that what we produce will have a real life impact.
The Caribbean sounds amazing in the midst of a Michigan winter. The beach is one
of the things I miss the most about my home, Lebanon. However, our collaboration with
the Grenada Red Cross Society (GRCS) is not just about exploration. It is about making
a tangible impact by creating strategies that promote blood donation awareness.
When reflecting on creating culturally appropriate strategies to promote blood donation
in Grenada, it is important to center the community at the heart of developing these
strategies. In reading about Grenada’s history, I developed great respect for the
fact that despite the immense challenges, Grenadians demonstrated remarkable resilience,
rallying together to rebuild their communities and restore hope for a better future.
I look forward to engaging in discussions and interviews with community members. I
do not know what lessons we will learn from our engagement with the community, but
I have a feeling there will be a few there that I will carry with me and that will
change my perspective on facing challenges.
I feel lucky and humbled to be welcomed by our community partners in Grenada, and
I hope we can provide helpful insights.