Masters Level Internship Funding Program
2025 Request for Proposals
The Office of Global Public Health (OGPH) is pleased to offer internship funding support for University of Michigan School of Public Health residential master's students, thanks to the generosity of our donors. We have a great interest in supporting experiences that promote student growth and development, and align with our mission and goals.
To be considered for support, candidates must be: 1) Actively enrolled in a School of Public Health residential (on-campus) master's degree program and in good academic standing and 2) Completing a global public health summer internship of at least 8 weeks in duration.
Global public health internships include:
Projects with an international focus, and efforts that contribute to capacity building and addressing inequities:
- In low- and middle-income countries;
- And/or with migrant, immigrant, or refugee communities;
- Or with indigenous or tribal communities in the US
Experiences of at least 8 consecutive weeks, falling in to one of the following categories:
- International travel internships:
- Travel abroad to work on site with an international partner
- Remote internships:
- Based in one location (typically the US) and working/interacting regularly with international partners in a remote capacity
- Domestic internships:
- Based in the US at an organization that focuses primarily on global health work
- Based in the US working with an indigenous or tribal community, or immigrant community
- International travel internships:
Additional Considerations:
Preference will be given to: students completing internships that fulfill a curricular requirement for their residential master's degree program, and internships where students will travel and reside in a low- or middle-income country for a minimum of 8 weeks during the summer.
We are not able to fund proposals that combine multiple unrelated experiences to fulfill the 8 week minimum, or fall outside of the summer timeframe
Students must confirm with their academic department that their global internship fulfills any applicable curricular requirements.
For purposes of global health internships, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the six US-Affiliated Pacific Islands (USAPIs), inclusive of the islands of Palau, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and American Samoa are eligible.
Important Note:
All students applying for funding from the Office of Global Public Health must attend one of the Global Public Health Funding Proposal Workshops. We find that student proposals are stronger and more effective when candidates receive guidance from our office during the proposal process.
Workshop offerings will be posted at the start of each semester. If you were not able to attend a workshop, please contact us at [email protected] for a 1:1 session.
Funding ceilings and Other Funding sources
The Office of Global Public Health provides funding ceilings as a guideline for candidates in developing their budgets, based on the type of internship they are pursuing. The maximum amount that a candidates may request is:
- Up to $7,000 for international travel internships
- Up to $5,000 for remote internships, or domestic internships
Requests must be supported by a detailed budget demonstrating the need for the requested amount. Candidates may be granted less than the maxium funding range for their internship type if their budget does not justify the need for the full amount, or due to budgetary limitations.
In addition to our funding program, we strongly encourage candidates to apply for funding from their department and from other University offices and programs. In your budget, please indicate whether you have applied for and/or received other funding. Sharing your costs between two or more funding sources will enable us to support more global public health opportunities for students.
After you have submitted your application, please inform us at [email protected] if you receive other award(s) from any other sources to assist us in equitably allocating our budget. Further details of this requirement will be outlined in the award letter if granted funding.
Completing the Application
Applications, including both the online form and the supporting documents (see below), must be submitted by the posted deadline. Your application will not be considered complete until all documents are uploaded, and you have clicked the "submit" button.
In addition to completing the questions in the online application form, you must submit the following attachments by file upload, in .pdf format, to the application form.
- A two-page proposal describing the internship, including your specific role in the work project, who will provide your day-to-day supervision, and what you expect to learn or accomplish. If proposing a remote or domestic internship, make the format clear, and justify how the project aligns with global public health. Tips for crafting a strong proposal for funding.
- Your up-to-date CV or resume.
- Your budget (using this template as a start, or another format with similar categories). You should also incorporate any relevant attachments to justify your budget to this file, combined in one .pdf (airline ticket estimates, housing listings).
- Your most recent transcript (unofficial is acceptable).
The application is a Google Form. Please use your U-M Google account to log in to the form. Once you begin, your progress will be auto-saved for 30 days, and you can return to the form to complete your work within this timeframe. Once you finalize and 'Submit' your application, it can no longer be edited.
The initial application deadline for Summer 2025 awards has passed. However, we are still accepting proposals on a rolling basis until funds are expended. Please contact us at [email protected] if you plan to submit a proposal.
For any questions, more details on application requirements and help planning and assembling a strong application, students may request a meeting with Office of Global Public Health staff. Please email us at [email protected].