Admitted Undergraduate Students


Congratulations on your admission to the University of Michigan School of Public Health undergraduate degree program.
By now you've received your admission letter and are ready to think about your next steps to join the University of Michigan School of Public Health community. Follow the steps below to secure your place!

Note: an invitation to the Fall 2025 Undergraduate Public Health Orientation Canvas site will be sent to admitted students via email.

Students currently attending the University of Michigan Ann Arbor must accept their admission offer through Wolverine Access by Monday, March 17, 2025.
  1. Go to Wolverine Access - Students - New & Prospective Student Business and log in with your current UM Uniqname and password
  2. Upon successful login, select Application Status and then click on View Decision
  3. Hit the Respond Now button and check the "Accept Admissions Offer" box on the Student Reply page, then click "Continue"

Please refer to your admission letter for additional next steps. If you have questions, please contact our office at [email protected].

Students currently a college or university other than University of Michigan Ann Arbor must submit a $200, nonrefundable enrollment deposit (EDR) by April 15, 2025. The deposit is a down payment on your tuition.
  1. Go to Wolverine Access - Students - New & Prospective Student Business and log in with your UM Friend account email and password
  2. Upon successful login, select Application Status and then click on View Decision
  3. Hit the Respond Now button and check the "Accept Admissions Offer" box on the Student Reply page, then click "Continue"
  4. Read the information about submitting the EDR payment on the Student Reply page.
  5. If you are submitting your payment electronically, check the box next to "I will attend the University of Michigan" and click on the "Pay Enrollment Deposit" button. Otherwise, if you are submitting your payment by mail, click on the "Enrollment Deposit Form" link to print a hard copy form to mail with your $200.00 paper check or money order drawn on a U.S. bank or agency.
  6. Before submitting your eCheck information, please double check the routing and account numbers. If these numbers are incorrect, the payment will not go through electronically and you will need to submit your payment by mail instead.

After you have accepted your admission offer:

  • You will receive instructions on how to create your U-M email address (Uniqname) once you have paid your enrollment deposit.

Please refer to your admission letter for additional next steps. If you have questions, please contact our office at [email protected].

Important Dates

  • Admitted Student Welcome 
    • Tuesday, March 11, from 4:00 – 5:00 PM in 1690 SPH I
    • Friday, March 14, from 2:30 – 3:30 PM in 1655 SPH I
  • External Transfer Student Orientation | Wednesday, May 14, 2025 | Online via Zoom
  • Orientation - A one day all-school orientation will take place on Wednesday August 20, 2025. More details will be emailed to matriculated students in May.
  • First Day of Class - Monday, August 25, 2025

Quick Links

Learn How to Register for Classes

Stay Connected With Our Admitted Student Newsletter

The Vector: Admitted Student Edition is a newsletter sent to students who have been admitted to the University of Michigan School of Public Health. We know that there is a lot to think about as you prepare for fall semester. You can expect to receive this newsletter once a month, and we hope it serves as your one-stop shop for helpful resources, important dates, and reminders. The first edition will be sent to your UMICH email address in May 2025. 

Student Life at Michigan Public Health

Share the Good News!

Share your excitement and get to know our Michigan Public Health community on social media with #UMSPHUndergrad. Then follow SPH on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and celebrate your acceptance with us! You can also download social media profile and cover photos like these:

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