More than Spices: Big Hearts from a Small Island
Courtney Olson
Courtney Olson, 2nd year Global Health Epidemiology MPH student, reflects on her experience working on the Alzheimer’s disease and dementia project in Grenada.
Courtney Olson, 2nd year Global Health Epidemiology MPH student, reflects on her experience working on the Alzheimer’s disease and dementia project in Grenada.
Anisah McEwan, second-year MPH student in Health Behavior and Health Education, reflects on her experience in Grenada.
Meng Sun, 2nd Year, MPH Health Management and Policy Candidate, shares her thoughts before deploying to Grenada; growing up in East Asia, she is excited to understand how the two cultures intersect.
Christopher Floyd, 2nd Year MPH Epidemiology Candidate, shares his excitement about deploying to Grenada.
Tam Ngo, 2nd Year, Health Services Administration Candidate shares her thoughts before deploying to Grenada.
Soha Khedkar, a 3rd Year MBA, MPH, Health Behavior Health Education Candidate, shares her thoughts before traveling to Grenada.