About the Office of Global Public Health

The Office of Global Public Health

In September 2011, the School of Public Health launched a Global Public Health Initiative (now the Office of Global Public Health) to foster a collaborative and coordinated approach to global health research and activities across all the departments in the school.

Email: sphglobalhealth@umich.edu

Office of Global Public Health Staff

Matthew BoultonMatthew L. Boulton
Senior Associate Dean, Global Public Health
Professor of Epidemiology; Professor of Health Management & Policy; Professor of Preventive Medicine; Pearl L. Kendrick Collegiate Professor of Global Public Health; Professor of Internal Medicine, Division of Infectious Disease

 Richard Neitzel Rick Neitzel photo
 Associate Director, Office of Global Public Health
 Professor, Environmental Health Sciences and Global Public Health

Amy SargiannisAmy Sarigiannis
Director, International Relations and Scholar Exchange Program

Kiran Szekeres Kiran Szekeres
Director, Student Development and Programs

Maria Gilson photoMaria Gilson
Administrative Assistant Senior

Contact Information

University of Michigan School of Public Health
Office of Global Public Health
M2001 SPH II


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