This Trip Has Been Amazing but it's Time to Alamo Home

Emily Kapins
2nd Year MPH Health Behavior Health Education Student
It’s crazy to believe that our one-week trip that we spent ½ of the semester preparing for has come to an end. I have learned so much during this past week and I’m thankful that I got to experience San Antonio through the community members with my peers.
During the week, my group and I gathered information about the resources and support that were available in the Edgewood community via windshield tours and worked on presenting our findings to South Central AHEC and CEAL. In between meetings and group discussions, we were able to explore San Antonio such as eating at the Pearl, visiting the Japanese Tea Garden, touring the Historic Square Market, and visiting the Alamo. This trip not only allowed me to further strengthen my qualitative skills but also develop a new skill through data visualization and analysis. It was rewarding to see our efforts come to fruition at the end of the week and to hear community members speak their thoughts and appreciation for our work.
As an outsider visiting a community, it was crucial for us to be aware of our privilege and standings and how that can be perceived by our colleagues. This experience has taught me how vital it is to continue fostering genuine partnerships and how little change can still have a big impact. This opportunity allowed me to grow professionally as well as personally by determining my own work and communication style and how to adapt to the last-minute changes. I am grateful to have had the chance to get closer to more of my peers while also completing meaningful work. I am excited to continue being a part of PHAST and will carry this experience as a stepping stone in my career.