Students, Biostatistics

Karin Dove

Preventing Sickness and Injury: An Occupational Passion

Karin Dove, MPH '16, Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology

Karin Dove knows the public health work she does will impact large populations of people. Data is her key tool in that endeavor, and translating the value of that data is one or her biggest challenges and joys.

Lauren Beesley

Math and Other Risky Things

Lauren Beesley

“To be honest, biostatistics was a huge risk. I was intrigued by the idea of using my math skills to serve what one might call a greater purpose. But planning a career in a field I was just beginning to understand was definitely a risk,” says Beesley.

Jonathan Boss

Baseball Cards and Biostats: Finding Fulfillment in the Numbers

Jonathan Boss

As a grad student, it's been a transition to work in a more applied mathematical field, but I'm really enjoying it. The breadth and tangible benefit of our work with respect to human health truly differentiates biostatistics from other quantitative disciplines.