
Sania Farooq

Pursuing a medical career with a public health focus

Sania Farooq, BS ’21

Sania Farooq’s coursework at Michigan Public Health involved real-life impact projects such as health education initiatives during COVID-19. These experiences cemented her commitment to a career that marries public health with medicine effectively.

Anna Siu

Empowering Better Health through Empathy

Anna Siu, MPH ’14

Registered dietician Anna Siu believes the most successful patient outcomes are based in understanding each patient as a real person. She's now bringing that empathetic philosophy to a unique program aimed at defeating type 2 diabetes.

Michael Boehnke

Turning a Passion for Math into a Career in Public Health

Michael Boehnke

In 35 years at Michigan Public Health, Professor of Biostatistics Michael Boehnke has applied his lifelong love of math to groundbreaking research and teaching that inspires the next generation of public health professionals.