U-M SPH Faculty, Staff and Postdoctoral Fellow Directory

University of Michigan School of Public Health
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Telephone: (734) 764-5425

Directions Locating Rooms in SPH by their Numbers (PDF)

Name Department Address Phone E-mail Address Type
106 Total
Abramenka-Lachheb, Victoria Instructional Services M3063 staff
Abramenka-Lachheb, Victoria Instructional Services SPH II M3063 734-763-3095 staff
Adlhoch, Julie Resource Planning and Management M2232 SPH II 734-936-6803 staff
Anderson, Stefani Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1702 SPH I 734-763-8264 staff
Baker, Karla Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1722 SPH I 734-647-2996 staff
Binder, Matt Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-763-4192
Boulton, Matthew (profile) EPID / ADM M5208 SPH II 734-936-1623 faculty
Bowman, F. DuBois (profile) Dean's Office 1822 SPH I 734-763-2876 faculty
Bradley, Patty Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-764-0300 staff
Brown, Aryanni Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2700 SPH I staff
Burke, Betsy Office of Development 1815 SPH I 734-647-7252 staff
Cable, Beth Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1734 SPH I 734-764-3609 staff
Carroll, Mary Beth Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1730 SPH I 734-764-9830 staff
Casanova, Rachel Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1718 SPH I 734-936-1261 staff
Castro, Brittiany Resource Planning and Management SPH I 1840 734-647-3645 staff
Cessna, John Computing Services M3071 SPH II 734-763-1129 staff
cohen, Julia Dean's Office 2730 SPH I staff
Conigliaro, Maya Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1719 SPH I 734-734 763 5290 staff
Cook, Destiny Marketing & Communications M1521 SPH II staff
Craft, Darryl Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-936-1247 staff
Cranford, Leona Resource Planning and Management 1840 SPH I 734-763-5350 staff
Cunningham, Bob Marketing & Communications M1521 SPH II staff
Czarnowczan, Lauren Office of Public Health Practice 2706 SPH I 734-763-6688 staff
Douglass, Lynn Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1722 SPH I 734-647-2267 staff
Eshelman, Jennifer Office for Student Engagement and Practice SPH I 2726 734-763-7130 staff
Falce, Allyse Dean's Office 1766 SPH I staff
Freedland, Jessica Office for Student Engagement and Practice SPH I 1700 734-763-9045 staff
Garber, Catherine Marketing & Communications M1519 SPH II staff
Garber, Lisa Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2726 SPH I 734-647-0074 staff
Gilson, Maria Office of Global Public Health SPH II 734-763-8345 staff
Green, Ashley Office of Development 1800 SPH I 734-647-1672 staff
Grzyb, Eric Computing Services M3064 SPH II staff
Gurecki, Sydney Dean's Office 1815 SPH I 734-764-8093 staff
Hamilton, Lacey Computing Services M3064 SPH II staff
Herold, Kirsten (profile) Dean's Office M3226 SPH II 734-763-5582 staff
Higginson-Rollins, Paige Office of Global Public Health M2011 SPH II staff
Holman, Jennifer EHS / ADM 6659 SPH I 734-763-1313 staff
Houston, Maddie Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1706 SPH I staff
Jackson, Nik Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-763-6637 staff
James, Kaley EHS / ADM 1415 Washington Heights
Jurado, Edwin Dean's Office Working Remotely staff
Kardia, Sharon (profile) EPID / ADM M5174 SPH II 734-764-4221 faculty
Kasiborski, Michael Marketing & Communications 1766 SPH I 734-647-7253 staff
Katsumi, Hitomi Dean's Office SPH I 734-647-4874 staff
Knill, Annie Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2722 SPH I 734-647-7705 staff
Kovacevich, Joanna Instructional Services M3055 SPH II 734-647-0226 staff
Kulik, Phoebe Office of Public Health Practice M5517 SPH II 734-615-0144
LaFerle, Andrea Marketing & Communications 1762 SPH I 734-764-8094 staff
Laubepin, Frederique Instructional Services M3073 SPH II 734-936-1248 staff
Laurin, Steve Instructional Services 7625 SPH I 734-936-1247 staff
Ley, Cristina Office for Student Engagement and Practice SPH I 1700 staff
Lillie, Brian Marketing & Communications 1770 SPH I 734-647-9836 staff
Lisabeth, Lynda (profile) EPID / ADM 1827 SPH I 734-936-9649 faculty
Loury, Kelly Dean's Office 734-763-2876 staff
Lubetkin, Andrea Resource Planning and Management 1758 SPH I 734-763-1036 staff
Luzius, Kim Office for Student Engagement and Practice M3065 SPH II 734-763-5687 staff
Mack, Desmond Office of Undergraduate Education 2714 SPH I 734-647-4997 staff
McConville, Jillian Office of Undergraduate Education 2718 SPH I 734-936-1258 staff
Meeker, John (profile) EHS / ADM 1835 SPH I 734-764-7184 faculty
Miles, Nate Office of Development 1828 SPH I 734-615-4362 staff
Molnar, Steve Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1719 SPH I 734-615-4308 staff
Monger, ANarris Office of Public Health Practice 2706 SPH I staff
Moore, Dustin Computing Services M3064 SPH II staff
Narula, Meaghan Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2718 SPH I staff
Nelson, Erin Marketing & Communications 1770 SPH I 734-7346474683 staff
Olivero, Julie Resource Planning and Management SPH I staff
Orleman, Lauren Dean's Office M2226 SPH II 734-763-1363 staff
Parisi, Lisa Dean's Office SPH I 1700 staff
Pearsall, April Resource Planning and Management 2234 SPH II 734-260-9173 staff
Peoples, Whitney Dean's Office 1803 SPH I 734-647-4019 student
Pu, Joyce Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1722 SPH I
Ralph, Brian Resource Planning and Management 1819 SPH I 734-763-5351 staff
Reilly, Anne Marketing & Communications 1780 SPH I 734-764-1552 staff
Renda, Ari Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1710 SPH I 734-763-3918 staff
Rey, Carmen EHS / ADM 6647 SPH I 734-647-1435 staff
Richardson, Sade Office of Public Health Practice 2710 SPH I 734-763-6526 staff
Rizzo, Joe Office for Student Engagement and Practice SPH II M1519 734-764-8312 staff
Roche-Hevia, Carlos Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-936-1247 staff
Russell, Sam Resource Planning and Management 1840 SPH I 734-647-0903 staff
Sarigiannis, Amy Office of Global Public Health M2208 SPH II 734-647-0124 staff
Schweigert, Alexandra Office of Development 1815 SPH I 734-763-5228 staff
Sharp, Tim Instructional Services M3064 SPH II 734-763-7567 staff
Silva, Shannon Resource Planning and Management 1415 Washington Heights 734-763-3202 staff
Smart, Cely Dean's Office 734-764-8748 staff
Smith, Richard Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-936-1247 staff
Struhar, Debbie Resource Planning and Management G667 SPH I - Mailroom 734-763-5411 staff
Sullivant, Michael Office of Development 1818 SPH I 734-764-8093 staff
Szekeres, Kiran Office of Global Public Health M2001 SPH II. 734-763-6220 staff
Thatcher, Lindsey Office for Student Engagement and Practice staff
Thornton, Tatum Instructional Services M3064 SPH II staff
Tobya, Mina Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1734 SPH I staff
Tolinski, Edward Resource Planning and Management 734-615-3980 staff
Trammer, Jackie Marketing & Communications M1519 SPH II 734-763-9745 staff
Trocchio, Lara Resource Planning and Management 1830 SPH I 734-936-1254 staff
Tuitman, Tonya Marketing & Communications SPH I 1780 staff
Vinales, Paula Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2730 SPH I 734-763-6070 staff
Vineburg, Isaac Marketing & Communications 1780 SPH I staff
Vojtkofsky, Whitney Marketing & Communications 1780 SPH I staff
Wagener, Tony Office of Development 1811 SPH I 734-764-5416 staff
White, Ebony Office for Student Engagement and Practice B868 SPH I 734-647-5068 staff
White, Neika Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1702 SPH I 734-763-3792 staff
White, Patricia EHS / ADM 6651 SPH I staff
Youatt, Emily (profile) Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2722 SPH I 734-764-8775 faculty
Yuting, Hsu Marketing & Communications SPH I staff
Zafer, Mateen Dean's Office 1714 SPH I 734-764-0786 staff
Zamarron, Cristina Marketing & Communications M1519 SPH II 734-647-1423 staff

Alphabetical by Last Name

A      B      C      D      E      F      G      H      I      J      K      L      M      N      O      P      Q      R      S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z      All      All Faculty      All Staff      All Postdoctoral Fellows

By Department

Dean's Office      Biostatistics      Environmental Health Sciences      Epidemiology      Health Behavior & Health Equity      Health Management & Policy      Nutritional Sciences      Office of Undergraduate Education

By Location

SPH I      SPH II      Off-site