This is one for the Books... The Passport Books That is

Jadrienne Horton
3rd Year MPH/MSW Candidate
It is true; the best stories are found between passport pages! I will never forget and cherish my first stamp. Not only did I travel abroad for the first time, but I was also able to participate in a meaningful experience that would impact the health of many people. During my week in Grenada, my team and I were able to facilitate two focus groups and three key informant interviews and collect 39 survey responses on issues related to sexual reproductive health and rights. With a quick turnaround, we analyzed and interpreted our findings and presented them to our Grenada Planned Parenthood Association partners. Within a short period, we accomplished so much! This demonstrates the power and magnitude of work a team can accomplish when working together. Everyone on my team was dedicated to the work and invested in seeing this project through.
While it may seem like it, this project was not a walk in the park. There were a lot of late nights, highly early mornings, sweat from the sun, and blood poured into this project. I am slightly embellishing the truth with the blood part, but I am sure our blood was sometimes boiling. Despite all of this, we pulled off a successful project. The fantastic food, an abundance of laughter, and calming oceanfront views helped us to overcome. As I prepare to enter the workforce, this experience makes me reflect on what I want from my future employer. I want to be a part of a team of passionate individuals who, like me, want to improve and positively impact the health of communities.
Moreover, I want an employer that prioritizes the health of its workers and promotes a healthy work-life balance. Lastly, I want to participate in purposeful work that brings me joy. While there were stressful and hectic times, I found solace in my work. And that was well worth it! While this concludes my time in Grenada, my international traveling adventures and the influential work I will participate in are only beginning. This is only a chapter in my life, and the book is still being written. In the words of Winston Churchill, “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”.