
Michael Boehnke

Turning a Passion for Math into a Career in Public Health

Michael Boehnke

In 35 years at Michigan Public Health, Professor of Biostatistics Michael Boehnke has applied his lifelong love of math to groundbreaking research and teaching that inspires the next generation of public health professionals.

Jonathan Boss

Baseball Cards and Biostats: Finding Fulfillment in the Numbers

Jonathan Boss

As a grad student, it's been a transition to work in a more applied mathematical field, but I'm really enjoying it. The breadth and tangible benefit of our work with respect to human health truly differentiates biostatistics from other quantitative disciplines.

Lorem ipsum

Deciphering the Data Behind Emojis

Hamdan Azhar

Hamdan Azhar's training in biostatistics has helped him move from Presidential campaigns to social media giants. Now he is forging ahead in data journalism, and his emoji analysis is helping us understand the bigger picture.