
Khalil Hosny Mancy, professor emeritus of Environmental Health Sciences, lowers an oxygen sensor into the Nile River as it runs through Cairo in 1971.

Healthy Water, Healthy People

Khalil Hosny Mancy

Long before the dangers of global warming were clear to us, public health researchers were pursuing protective measures for our most basic and valuable environmental resources and linking that work to concerns about health equity and environmental justice.

Daniel Eisenberg

Best Investments, Best Returns: Improving Mental Health for College Students

Daniel Eisenberg

Daniel Eisenberg has spent years researching adolescent and young-adult mental health and sees public health as a leader in improving mental health for entire populations. Now, he and his team are building new tools that prevent and treat mental illnesses and will cost a lot less than individual therapy.

Anton L.V. Avanceña

Modeling Better Public Policy

Anton L.V. Avanceña

Anton Avanceña grew up in the Philippines, where he witnessed the effects of limited resources on health care outcomes. Today, he is learning to use modeling and simulation techniques to create better public policy.