A Look Forward
Anna Bowie, HBHE Student
Health Behavior and Health Education student Anna shares how PHAST experiences have impacted her future career path.
The posts featured on this Michigan Public Health Frontlines blog are from students, staff, and faculty while they are out in the field, practicing public health on the frontlines. Read on for stories from global health field experiences and the Public Health Action Support Team (PHAST).
Health Behavior and Health Education student Anna shares how PHAST experiences have impacted her future career path.
Quetzabel talks about the "first step" in a community assessment process.
Emily shares her takeaways from working with community partners and community members in St. Croix and St. Thomas, USVI.
Read about Caleb's experience conducting a Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Emily reflects on her PHAST beginnings and the lessons she learned while working with Children’s Literacy Network.
Madeline returns for part two of her reflection on the process of developing a report on local food environments in Detroit. If you have not read part one yet, “For the Love of Food: Lessons Learned from a Partnership with the Detroit Food Policy Council,” we strongly encourage you to read that article first for more context on the project.