Population and Health Sciences MPH Online Certificate Programs

University of Michigan School of Public Health online graduate students in the Population and Health Sciences MPH degree program have the option to earn graduate certificates in a variety of specialty areas that help them dive deeper into their passions and support their career ambitions. Michigan Public Health currently offers graduate certificates, which are available to students enrolled in the Population and Health Sciences online MPH degree program.


Certificate Program Requirements: You must be enrolled in the online Population and Health Sciences MPH degree program and successfully complete all of the required courses. More information on prerequisites can be found on the respective certificate pages linked below.

Residential students may not elect online certificate programs, nor are online certificate programs available for audit or to be taken without Population and Health Sciences Master of Public Health enrollment. Residential certificate programs are listed on the Public Health Certificate Programs page.

About Population and Health Sciences MPH Certificates

Certificates are earned through the completion of all courses within a given certificate elective series. Elective series are designed to build expertise in a given area such as applied epidemiology or healthcare accounting and finance. Completion of a certificate series denotes a depth of knowledge obtained by a student in a specific discipline. 

Students in the Population and Health Sciences MPH program select a number of elective courses to meet degree requirements. As they work toward completing electives, students can choose to earn a certificate whose requirements are fulfilled by completing a series of electives in a particular discipline. Students can elect certificate programs in the third term of their degree program.

Note: to ensure adherence to credits policies and requirements, students should be sure to discuss certificate enrollment plans with advisors.