
Headshot of Lu Wang

Applying Adaptive Dynamic Decision Making to Health Care and Cities

Lu Wang

Lu Wang’s research spans across many different disciplines, from healthcare to environmental health. This nexus of interests and research areas has led to critical work in personalized and precision health care, as well as a new opportunity to serve as co-lead of a new School of Public Health initiative aimed at applying this work to creating healthy and equitable cities.

Sebastian Zöllner, Professor of Biostatistics and Psychiatry, Co-Director of Precision Health at University of Michigan

Genetics, Human Diseases, and Precision Health

Sebastian Zöllner

Precision health uses genetic and other biological data to bring traditional public health strategies to new levels. But precision health is about much more than genetics, says Sebastian Zöllner, professor of Biostatistics and co-director of the Precision Health initiative at the University of Michigan.

Anna Siu

Empowering Better Health through Empathy

Anna Siu, MPH ’14

Registered dietician Anna Siu believes the most successful patient outcomes are based in understanding each patient as a real person. She's now bringing that empathetic philosophy to a unique program aimed at defeating type 2 diabetes.