Alumni,Nutritional Sciences

Tonya Allen

Deploying Power with Integrity and Love

Tonya Allen

“Public health offered a way of thinking about policies and practices that can strengthen the well-being of people on a large scale. I wanted to improve the lives of Detroiters, particularly children. At the School of Public Health, I learned how to mobilize communities to change health outcomes,” Allen says.

Stephanie Sayler

Clearing the Air: Risk Assessment of Asbestos Exposures in Detroit

Stephanie Sayler

After the Navy, I went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Armstrong State University in Savannah, Georgia. Then I came to the University of Michigan to work as a research staff member for Rick Nietzel, associate professor of environmental health sciences. After a year and a half, I began the master’s program in industrial hygiene and earned my Master of Science degree in 2016.

Hadlee Garrison and Kate McManus

Breaking Down Barriers to Food Access

Hadlee Garrison and Kate McManus

Hadlee Garrison and Kate McManus, Master of Public Health students at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, spent their summer interning with Food Gatherers, a food rescue and food bank program serving Washtenaw County, Michigan.

Daniel Lee

From Taiwan to Ann Arbor

Shoou-Yih Daniel Lee

I always felt hungry for knowledge. Pursuing an academic career was completely foreign to me. I didn’t know anyone who had gotten a PhD. But I knew I wanted to learn.