
Headshot of Lu Wang

Applying Adaptive Dynamic Decision Making to Health Care and Cities

Lu Wang

Lu Wang’s research spans across many different disciplines, from healthcare to environmental health. This nexus of interests and research areas has led to critical work in personalized and precision health care, as well as a new opportunity to serve as co-lead of a new School of Public Health initiative aimed at applying this work to creating healthy and equitable cities.

Sebastian Zöllner, Professor of Biostatistics and Psychiatry, Co-Director of Precision Health at University of Michigan

Genetics, Human Diseases, and Precision Health

Sebastian Zöllner

Precision health uses genetic and other biological data to bring traditional public health strategies to new levels. But precision health is about much more than genetics, says Sebastian Zöllner, professor of Biostatistics and co-director of the Precision Health initiative at the University of Michigan.

Katherine Hoffman

Discovering Biostatistics and Its Broad Applications

Katherine Hoffman, MS ’18

Katherine Hoffman was drawn to medicine and health care from a young age. When she realized that biostatistics would let her engage any other field in the health sciences, she decided to pursue it in graduate school and now loves to share the many ways a career in biostatistics can unfold.

Stephen Salerno

Statistics Served with Love: A Family Passion for Nourishing the Community

Stephen Salerno, MS ’18

How does biostatistics keep doctoral student Stephen Salerno connected to his family’s passion for feeding people? He makes sure every research and volunteer experience is a chance to feed local and global communities with accessible data that helps alleviate and prevent health problems and health disparities.