Health Behavior and Health Equity

Jackie Cormany

You Belong Here: Creating an Environment Where Everyone Thrives

Jackie Cormany

Public health isn't just one thing—it really is everything! Everything around us relates to public health in one way or another. When young people in high school and undergraduate studies see how their interests relate to population-level health, it draws them in.

Rohan Jeremiah

Family Matters, Community Matters: Challenging Opportunities in Public Health Practice

Rohan Jeremiah, MPH ’06

As alum and public health professor Rohan Jeremiah knows well, public health does its best work when it remembers the inherent strengths and unique qualities of the communities it seeks to serve. This means paying close attention to local cultures and thinking creatively about ways to turn challenges into opportunities.

Shuji Tsuda

Stretching His Border to Prevent Dementia: A Physician's Shift to Public Health

Shuji Tsuda

Shuji Tsuda worked as a family physician in Japan for over a decade. In that time, he cared for those suffering from dementia but became frustrated by his inability to prevent their deterioration. With public health training, he aims to transform care to prevent cases, and better treat those with dementia in the US and Japan.

Taryn Gal

Sex, Public Health, and Being Human

Taryn Gal, MPH ’07

Working alongside young people as executive director of the Michigan Organization on Adolescent Sexual Health, alum Taryn Gal and her team help ensure young people have access to sexual health services and sexual health education. And she reminds us that we all have a stake in sexual health.