Child Health

Rohan Jeremiah

Family Matters, Community Matters: Challenging Opportunities in Public Health Practice

Rohan Jeremiah, MPH ’06

As alum and public health professor Rohan Jeremiah knows well, public health does its best work when it remembers the inherent strengths and unique qualities of the communities it seeks to serve. This means paying close attention to local cultures and thinking creatively about ways to turn challenges into opportunities.

Tanaka Chavanduka

From Political Refugee to Advocate for Adolescent Health

Tanaka Chavanduka, MPH '18

Tanaka Chavanduka was just four years old when his family fled from persecution in Zimbabwe. Despite the hardships he encountered, Chavanduka was able to excel academically. Now he is working to make a positive impact on marginalized communities and the country that helped him thrive.

Daniel Eisenberg

Best Investments, Best Returns: Improving Mental Health for College Students

Daniel Eisenberg

Daniel Eisenberg has spent years researching adolescent and young-adult mental health and sees public health as a leader in improving mental health for entire populations. Now, he and his team are building new tools that prevent and treat mental illnesses and will cost a lot less than individual therapy.

Jessica Uruchima

Gaining Knowledge and Memories in the Field

Jessica Uruchima

For her 2018 summer internship, Michigan Public Health master's student Jessica Uruchima traveled to Ecuador - the country of her birth - to collaborate on an international pilot study examining mother and child health outcomes.

Brittany McQueer, Shadi Larson, and Meghan Watkins

Liquid Gold: Supporting Healthy Lactation

Brittany McQueer, Shadi Larson, and Meghan Watkins

Master's students Brittany McQueer, Shadi Larson, and Meghan Watkins interned at Liquid Gold Concepts, a company founded by School of Public Health alumni, whose mission is to create hands-on tools for breast health and lactation education.