Alumni,Environmental Health Sciences

Lisa Richardson

Fighting the Odds to Help Others Fight Cancer

Lisa Richardson

When Lisa Richardson began asking herself why black women died more frequently from breast cancer than white women, her public health training kicked into gear. She knew the question had to be answered—and she knew how to make it into a research question.

Abilene Emerson

Helping Keep Michigan Workers Safe

Abilene Emerson

Abilene Emerson (MPH Candidate, Environmental Health Sciences) completed an industrial hygiene internship last summer at Bell’s Brewery in Kalamazoo, as the safety intern. In this short video, Abilene describes one of the many health and safety projects she worked on, a noise exposure assessment of all the lines in the massive complex.

Lt. Commander Rashid Njai

Giving the Best of Himself by Giving Back: Rashid Njai's Public Health Mission

Lt. Commander Rashid Njai PhD, MPH

Wherever Lt. Commander Rashid Njai’s career takes him—from Michigan communities like Flint and Detroit to the frontlines of public health crises internationally—it is his drive to help people, an unwavering commitment to the truth of his calling and his science, that guides the course of his public health work. .