Nutritional Sciences

Young child reaching for strawberries on a cutting board on a kitchen counter.

For Children, Food Insecurity Means Not Only Hunger but Also Stress, Sadness

New Research from Cindy Leung

Parents who experience food insecurity might think they're protecting their children from their family's food situation by eating less or different foods so their children can be spared, but a new study from assistant professor of Nutritional Sciences, Cindy Leung, shows that children know more about food insecurity than their parents give them credit for.

A board of food and vegetables.

IN THE NEWS: Group Analyzing U-M Food's Role in Greenhouse Gas Reduction

Andy Jones featured in The University Record

Although harnessing renewable energy or enabling electric-vehicle transportation may be more visible efforts toward carbon neutrality, another area crucial to any push toward climate action is one that U-M students, staff and faculty encounter regularly: food.

A bowl of fruit and oatmeal

IN THE NEWS: Your Kids Don't Have to Inherit Your Body-Image Issues

Kendrin Sonneville featured in the New York Times

Parents who struggle with food and self-image can inadvertently pass along unhealthy behaviors. Assistant professor of Nutritional Sciences Kendrin Sonneville shares that research tells us what you say matters more than what you do.

candy jar

Overweight Kids Actually Eat Less Right After Stressful Events

New Research from Rebecca Hasson and Matthew Nagy

People often react to stress by binging on sweets or fattening comfort foods. But overweight adolescents—considered particularly susceptible to stress eating—actually ate less when exposed to a lab stressor, according to a University of Michigan study.

Fiber rich fruits in a brown paper bag

Nearly All Americans Fail to Eat Enough of This Actual Superfood

William Chey Quoted in Vox

When we fret about the deterioration of the American diet, we tend to focus on the excessive amounts of sugar, salt, and calories we’re now eating. What we don’t talk about: an important ingredient that’s gone missing as we’ve been filling our plates with more chicken and cheese. Fiber.