Joeseph Eisenberg


Warming climate in Brazil may increase risk of Zika, dengue by 2050

New research from Michigan Public Health

The transmission potential of Zika or dengue in Brazil may increase by 10% to 20% in the next 30 years due to warming temperatures linked to climate change, according to University of Michigan School of Public Health researchers.

Urban farming field in Yangon.

Study of pathogens in the environment in Myanmar offers clues to the spread of disease

New research from Michigan Public Health

Scientists have extensively studied water and sanitation interventions to decrease the transmission of pathogens and disease prevention. But a new University of Michigan study suggests a broader approach that includes looking at the environmental transmission of pathogens both in soil and water to help improve our understanding of the spread of these pathogens and better inform strategies to mitigate it.

people at an outside market in the winter

The Coronavirus in Winter May Be Worse Than Scientists Thought

Joe Eisenberg quoted in Quartz

This winter, Covid-19 is turning out to be even more dangerous than epidemiologists and public health officials had feared—and not just because of the more contagious variants now making their way around the globe.