
Elizabeth Mosley

Works in Progress: Population Health Is Personal

Elizabeth Ann Mosley

That year in Uganda was “the most challenging and the most fulfilling year of my life,” Mosley says. “And as much as it got me interested in global health issues, it reaffirmed my desire also to be deeply engaged here in the States with public health issues.”

Amanda Dudley

Diversity Is Good for Us and Good for the Data

Amanda Dudley

“Many of the perceived barriers should not slow us down. It can take courage to speak out, but as soon as you do, you realize you're surrounded by people who believe in the same things you do,” says Dudley.

Edward Arenas

Future Physician Discovers the Power of Public Health Training

Edward Arenas

Edward Arenas' lifelong dream has been to become a doctor. To deepen his understanding of health, he began taking courses in public health during his undergraduate studies. His first year at Michigan Public Health has only enhanced his belief that his education here will make him a better physician.