Global Public Health

woman holding test tube in lab

Common Coronaviruses Are Highly Seasonal, with Most Cases Peaking in Winter

New Research from Arnold Monto and Michigan Public Health Experts

Of the seven coronaviruses known to infect people, four cause common respiratory infections that are sharply seasonal and appear to transmit similarly to influenza, according to a new study by University of Michigan School of Public Health researchers.

people on street in India

Modeling the Impact of Lockdown Measures and Coronavirus Response in India

Q&A with Rupam Bhattacharyya

Rupam Bhattacharyya, a doctoral student at Michigan Public Health, is part of a team of researchers that, as the coronavirus pandemic unfolded around the world, used standard epidemiologic models to do a situational assessment of the crisis in India—providing real-time data for authorities to assist leadership in addressing this global pandemic.

global hotspots on a digital map

Surveillance Testing: Gathering the Data on COVID-19

Q&A with Emily Martin

Emily Martin is an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and an expert in viral respiratory illnesses. She explains what surveillance testing is and how it can help us in the process of slowing the spread of this virus.