Health Behavior and Health Equity

A map of Ann Arbor, Michigan and the surrounding area. Ann Arbor has a blue push pin placed in the map.

Q&A: What does guaranteed income mean for Ann Arbor?

Guaranteed income programs are popping up across the country, including the University of Michigan’s hometown of Ann Arbor. But what are these programs, who is eligible to participate, and how does guaranteed income address poverty and inequality?

Detroit skyline

Project HEARD Empowers Community Organizations for Effective Policy Change

The project utilizes community-academic partnerships to work toward defined policy goals set forth using a community-based participatory approach.

Project HEARD (Health Equity via Advocacy for Resources in Detroit), a Detroit URC policy initiative co-led by Michigan Public Health faculty and community partners, supports community-led efforts to advance health equity in Detroit and beyond.

Three school lockers, with the first locker hanging open.

State awards U-M $1M for Michigan School Safety Initiative

School of Public Health faculty members Justin Heinze and Marc Zimmerman are set to lead a new statewide initiative to enhance school safety and prevent school violence, including school shootings. The Michigan School Safety Initiative will be available to all K-12 schools in the state, providing training and assistance to district leadership and staff regarding evidence-based best practices.