Global Public Health

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Future of UK's Health Care System Uncertain as Brexit Moves Forward Amid COVID-19

Q&A with Holly Jarman and Scott Greer

While COVID-19 has been garnering the attention of leaders around the world, the transition period for Brexit ends Dec. 31, 2020. A group of researchers, including Holly Jarman and Scott Greer from University of Michigan's School of Public Health recently analyzed the negotiating position in assessing the potential impact on health of the United Kingdom's future relationship agreement with the European Union.

Map of coronavirus hotspots

India's Coronavirus Cases Increase as National Government Relaxes Rules

Q&A with Bhramar Mukherjee

Despite India's drastic nine-week shutdown and amid relaxing restrictions, the country now has the fourth-largest number of coronavirus cases in the world. Professor and chair of Biostatistics Bhramar Mukherjee offers an update on the trend and how a group of researchers are developing models to visualize the data.

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Latin America Is Now the Coronavirus Epicenter

Q&A with Rafael Meza

Latin America has now surpassed Europe and the United States in the number of new COVID-19 cases. Rafael Meza, associate professor and associate chair of Epidemiology at the University of Michigan's School of Public Health, discusses the concerning trend.

Nurse practitioner

Advancing Care: Nurse Practitioners, At-Risk Communities, and the Ever-Expanding Education that Puts Nurses at the Heart of Serving Communities in Need

Nurses have been playing a unique and vital role in our battles against disease for centuries. Since the 1960s in the US, nurses have been at the forefront not only of health care services but also of health care administration and management. Nurses continue evolving their skills and the profession itself to meet needs beyond even their own imaginations and comfort levels.