Health Behavior and Health Equity

Sheep stand in a field

Michigan's PBB contamination: 50 years later

This month marks 50 years since Michigan's PBB contamination incident. In 1973, toxic flame retardant was mistakenly sent to Michigan farmers as livestock feed, causing an environmental health crisis. To this day, researchers continue to investigate the health effects of the contamination, and community members are active in advocating for clean-up efforts.

An overhead view of a suburb.

Without Affordable, Accessible, and Adequate Housing, Health Has No Foundation

New paper from Roshanak Mehdipanah

Housing insecurity—which encompasses the dimensions of housing unaffordability, inaccessibility, and inadequacy—is a major public health issue. Roshanak Mehdipanah, associate professor of Health Behavior and Health Education, examines housing insecurity in this paper published in The Milbank Quarterly.