Mental Health

Infographic on guns and kids

Kids and Guns: Geography, Race, and Policy

In May, Zimmerman and Carter presented “Kids and Guns: Prevention Strategies,” a community conversation in Dexter, Michigan, to help local residents understand the risks associated with youth exposure to firearms and strategies for mitigating those risks.

Infographic: 90 percent of accidental firearm deaths occur at home; 3 out of 4 children knew where there firearms were in their homes

Kids and Guns: Access to Firearms

In May, Zimmerman and Carter presented “Kids and Guns: Prevention Strategies,” a community conversation in Dexter, Michigan, to help local residents understand the risks associated with youth exposure to firearms and strategies for mitigating those risks.

Kids and Guns Statistics 1

Kids and Guns: Safety First

In May, researchers Marc Zimmerman and Patrick Carter presented “Kids and Guns: Prevention Strategies,” a community conversation in Dexter, Michigan, to help local residents understand the risks associated with youth exposure to firearms and strategies for mitigating those risks.

Mother and baby

Research and Policy Perspectives on Separating Children and Parents

New Report Compiled by Alison Miller

Since May 2018, more than 2,300 children have been separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border. A new report, compiled by Alison Miller, associate professor of Health Behavior and Health Education, and colleagues, includes comments from a range of experts who have reviewed research evidence on the science of early child development, stress and trauma, and policy implications of family separation and reunions for very young children.

F. DuBois Bowman

Mental Health Biostatistics Expert Named Dean of School of Public Health

Learn about Dr. F. DuBois Bowman

The next dean of the University of Michigan's School of Public Health will be F. DuBois Bowman, a distinguished researcher whose scholarship focuses on improving mental health and neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and depression.