Racism,Diversity Equity and Inclusion

Bunk beds viewed through chain-link fence

Mental Health Inside Detention Centers: The Unknown Toll on Latinx Child Immigrants

Cecilia Galvan

Thousands of children still live inside US immigration detention centers, and they are not getting adequate care. These populations include large numbers of Latinx children currently living in a traumatic and uncertain environment. Obtaining the data necessary to understand the mental health impacts of detainment on these children is vital.

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Racism as a Public Health Crisis: Increasing Awareness through Access to Research

Matthew L. Boulton, Jillian Morgan, and Sara McAdory-Kim

In recent weeks, the killing of Black and African Americans during encounters with police has brought renewed and overdue attention to the public health and societal crisis that is racism. Matthew L. Boulton, Jillian Morgan, and Sara McAdory-Kim share how the American Journal of Preventive Medicine is working to raise awareness of this issue.

Hands holding a mask

Racism: The Root Cause of COVID-19 Disparities in Washtenaw County

Jeremiah Simon

Black residents of Washtenaw County, like elsewhere in Michigan, have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19. In the fight to gain racial justice in the US, it is critical that we examine how racism contributes to health inequities right here in our backyard.

An imprisoned person grips a chain-link fence

Mental Health, Incarceration, and COVID-19

Chanese A. Forte

In the US, ten times more people with mental health disorders are in jail or prison than in mental health facilities. The coronavirus pandemic further complicates this matter, putting incarcerated individuals at increased risk of infection.

Photo of a vaccine.

Why Are Ethical Concerns Blocking the Progress of COVID-19 Vaccine Efforts?

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Ultimately, vaccines are beneficial, and human trials are essential in determining the safety of any vaccine. But how do we select candidates for vaccine tests? Fallout from unethical experiments is persistent, and we must insist on the most ethical and medically accurate appraisals of the vaccine landscape.