Pediatric Medical Home model: Enhancing support for families through community collaboration
By Annie Clark
Explore how the Pediatric Medical Home model can pave the way for effective community collaboration and improved family access to care.
We're still accepting applications for fall 2025!
Apply TodayExplore how the Pediatric Medical Home model can pave the way for effective community collaboration and improved family access to care.
“In my year and a half working at a nursing home, I bonded with many residents while also watching many of them pass. The relationships I formed were very personally impactful, but I realized that we could be doing more to address the systemic issues affecting nursing homes.”
In the fall of 2021, Singapore had one of the highest national vaccination rates around the globe. Despite this success, and vigilant COVID-19-related safety measures, the small nation has continued to struggle under the burden that the pandemic has put on its various care systems. One social worker reflects on the impact experienced by some of the country's vulnerable populations.
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